Dr. Joseph Houck

PSU Penn State University, University Park Fall 2024

As the most experienced Dr. Houck CHEM 210 tutor in the country, I can tutor you 1-on-1 organic concepts and exam strategies to provide the highest competitive edge for your exam grades. I've got you covered for this class, whether it's DQ's, Exams or NMR Extra Credit. I started tutoring Dr. Houck's Organic Chem 1 since 2013, and I have been tutoring to his exam style ever since.

Email me: helpme@aromaticprep.com
Text or Call me: (301) 500-0289‬

Please include your phone number.

Dr. Houck's Exam Style

Most exams are designed for students to finish, or answer accurately, but not BOTH at the same time.
Exceptions-to-the-rule are frequently introduced to students for the first time on exams or briefly mentioned during class, but with no examples.
Dr. Houck's exams are similar difficulty compared to Daily Questions (DQ's) and lecture notes for CHEM 210. However, not enough exceptions, variations, and PLA's for CHEM 210. Past exam questions are used in lecture, but not enough variations.
Dr. Houck's online exam format is 2/3 canvas multiple-choice and 1/3 writing that you'll upload as a scanned PDF of your work.

CHEM 210 Points Breakdown

    • Where Do These Stats Come From?

    They come from actual exam & final averages of most recent semester he taught CHEM 210.

      Drop Rates

    Tutor with me to get this information!

      Exam Averages

    Exam 1: 73.5% / Exam 2, 3 & Final averages to be posted later.

      Exam Points

    Exam 1: 120 Points / Exam 2: 140 Points / Exam 3: 100 Points / Exam 4: 124 Points / Final: 265 Points

      Daily Questions

    39 DQ's x 5 Points Each, 195 Total

      Foundation Quizzes

    55 Points

      Owl Homework

    159 Points


    100 Points

      Bonus Points

    5 points

  • Study Tips for CHEM 210 Exams

    Keep Going

    Re-do a problem 5 times - this helps cement your knowledge, and recall it under high pressure testing environment.

    Get Help Early

    Work with a tutor, find a study group, or talk to your professor if you get stuck.

    Avoid Distractions

    Silence your phone, videos, and tell family to stop bugging you to create a focused environment.

    Why Tutor with Me for Dr. Houck's CHEM 210?

    • Access To Joy's Extensive Resources - Get access to my entire exam key collection and homework keys for Dr. Houck.

      Exam Tips and Tricks - Get tips and secret resources used by Dr. Houck. Know PSU's peculiarities and learn specific strategies to study for exams.

      Learn to Sound Smart with Your Professor - Students frequently mention that nothing annoys Dr. Houck like "easy" or vague questions to look unprepared in his eyes. Learn how to shine among your peers by visiting office hours often with "smart" questions ready in hand - I'll teach you how and what questions to ask and get the most out of 1-on-1 face time during Dr. Houck's office hours.

      Bonus Work - There are numerous bonus point opportunities I can help you to make up your grade, such as DQ’s or extra credit take-home exams.

  • Email me: helpme@aromaticprep.com
    Text or Call me: (301) 500-0289‬

    Please include your phone number.